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Walking in Humility: Confessions

First time in years that I've tried Indian food, and it was DELISH!! 

Walking in humility is signing up to write for 31 days straight, only to fail at getting your scheduled post completed on day 2....


I planned to write after church today but instead was surprised with an afternoon {almost} alone with my husband, which is a rare treasure these days. Deciding that people, especially my people, are always more important than things {even if those things are writing}, we tried a new place for lunch and enjoyed some much-needed time together.

So tomorrow will dawn with strong coffee and writing, Lord willing, but until then, I'll leave you with this gem from Tim Keller as sneak-peek of what's to come:

Martin Luther opened the Reformation by nailing “The Ninety-Five Theses” to the door of Wittenberg Cathedral. The very first of the theses was: “Our Lord and Master Jesus Christ…willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance.” Repentance is the way we make progress in the Christian life. Pervasive, all-of-life-repentance is the best sign that we are growing deeply and rapidly into the character of Jesus.




This post is part of a series I’m writing for the month of October called, Walking in Humility: Learning to Abide with God in the Everyday. If you’re interested in the reading the rest of the series, you can find it here. Enjoy!