

I'm Jacqui, the mom behind the camera.

Wife of one + momma to five. Writer + speaker. Unqualified philosopher + theologian. Accidental mentor. Chaos manager. Lover of coffee + wine, perspective, and Jesus. Truth teller. Freedom fighter. Worth affirmer. Wanna-be author + world changer. Laundry piler. Emoji enthusiast. It's nice to meet you! 

Sit down with a cup of coffee and join me as I reflect on life and motherhood, wrestle with what it looks like to follow Jesus in the practical everyday, seek His perspective on truly loving others, struggle through this thing called parenting, and imperfectly aim to give Him all the glory.

What is Mom + Camera?



It's you + me. The story of Him + we.

It's about meeting God in the mundane and finding grace in the mess. It's allowing Him to etch big dreams on our heart and transform the things we struggle with daily into our message. It's about listening for His footsteps in the still of the day and longing to see the world, and all the diverse people in it, with His eyes, because perspective changes everything. It's about taking hold of the freedom He purchased for us on the cross and running towards Him to life that is truly life.

Although I love ideas and concepts, they aren't worth much unless they translate into practical, everyday, walking-around life. Because if the gospel doesn't apply to the lesbians who eat at my kitchen table, the children who run circles around me all day, or the homeless people who sit next to me in the pew at church, then it doesn't apply to any of us. I want to know this Jesus who broke bread with sinners, who welcomed the least of these, who set captives free, and ultimately, by His grace and for His glory, I want a sliver of Him to be visible through my lens.

Join me on the journey!